Energy and Carbon Roadmaps

An energy or carbon roadmap from Hanson assists organizations of all sizes with identifying, prioritizing and building an overall reduction strategy, as well as meeting savings goals.

Consisting of a customizable process based on an organization’s progress, the energy roadmap can forecast future energy needs, assess current consumption, establish energy reduction goals, identify energy-saving facility improvement measures and recommend strategies for sustained energy savings. The carbon roadmap can assess the current consumption, establish carbon reduction goals, identify decarbonization measures and recommend a path toward carbon neutrality. These roadmaps can be a standalone document that is updated regularly, or it can be integrated with the organization’s overall sustainability master plan.

The identification of facility improvement measures (FIMs) to save on energy, carbon and maintenance costs can come from various sources, such as existing audits or retro-commissioning reports. In some instances, Hanson will perform the audit with retro-commissioning evaluations to identify the FIMs to be considered for the roadmap. Once the FIMs are identified, they can be weighted, ranked and grouped based on client-provided key performance indicators for capital and operational spending. This can also include metrics such as first cost, simple payback and reduction in energy and carbon utilization index. When complete, the roadmap provides the owner with a customized business plan that can be implemented immediately and used for future budgeting.

The roadmap needs to be a living document that is analyzed and updated on an annual basis so it continues to reflect the desired solution and factor in an owner's changing key performance indicators. Because it is typically a five-year plan, a roadmap can be updated to include upcoming years.