Asset management for aviation
Airport directors, maintenance managers and engineers often face budgetary and technology constraints that make the maintenance of critical infrastructure and capital assets a complex, ongoing process. In many cases, because of the fast-moving realm of airport operations and maintenance, airport staff members find themselves in a reactive mode when it comes to life-cycle costs and maintaining assets. 
Hanson’s experienced team of engineers, surveyors and geographic information system (GIS) specialists addresses your ever-changing asset management needs, from inventory program development to data collection. From aerial photography, utility locations and zoning maps to survey data, facility condition assessments and floodplain delineations, our team helps you take a proactive stance, rather than reacting as issues occur.
With our smart-planning, user-friendly Decision Optimization Technology (DOT™) software, you can intuitively manage the complexity of creating strategic asset management plans. DOT™ can simultaneously incorporate variables to help clients develop plans based on fluctuating budgets, shifting strategic priorities, risk and safety considerations and cross-departmental initiatives. The DOT™ software allows for plan prioritization and offers an easy-to-understand capital and maintenance planning tool for infrastructure and asset management. The software features planning and analysis capabilities for airports, including airfield electrical systems; facilities; equipment; pavements; stormwater; structures; wastewater and water main assets; heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems and facilities; jet bridges; people movers; and baggage-handling systems.