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DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport – instrument landing system
Project Summary
Hanson assisted the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport with obtaining an instrument landing system (ILS) by designing the installation of a localizer/distance measuring equipment (DME) on Runway 2-20 in 1998 and then, in 2008, designing the installation of a medium-intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator lights (MALSR) and a glide slope facility.
A 10-year period between installations was necessary for the airport to justify the complete ILS by logging the required number of instrument flight landings for the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics (IDA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to approve the installation of the MALSR and glide slope.
The completed ILS provides an approaching pilot with electronic and visual guidance to a designated runway, making the airport a safer and more user-friendly facility. Specifically, the localizer/DME provides horizontal alignment to the runway's centerline, the glide slope provides vertical alignment to the runway, and the MALSR provides a visual aid when the pilot nears the runway.
Hanson’s team worked closely with the airport manager, IDA, FAA and several equipment manufacturers during the design of the ILS to ensure all applicable FAA requirements and criteria were met. On Dec. 15, 2008, the FAA took over operation of the completed ILS.