Hanson to update guidebook for small-airport managers


Aug. 19, 2016

Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291

Hanson to update guidebook for small-airport managers

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Transportation Research Board has selected Hanson Professional Services Inc. to update a guidebook for managers of small airports.

As the prime consultant, Hanson will conduct the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) project for updating “ACRP Report 16: Guidebook for Managing Small Airports.” The ACRP published Report 16 in 2009 to provide a guide to small-airport managers who have a variety of experience and backgrounds. Small airports for this project are defined as general aviation, non-hub commercial service and facilities with limited staff, volunteer staff or both. Small-airport managers are responsible for activities such as financial management, safety and security, compliance with regulations, facility maintenance and capital improvements. 

Since the publication of the initial report, the industry is facing new challenges, and new research has been conducted that could benefit small airports. Hanson will update the guidebook and make it more user friendly. As part of the update, an online repository of data will be created to serve as a reference to small-airport managers. The project team will reach out to the small-airport community across the country to identify key issues to address or expand upon in the guidebook. An industry panel will serve as focus group, especially during the research portion of the project.

“The improved guidebook will provide background and guidance on issues to small-airport managers and serves as a how-to guide with up-to-date information,” said Susan Zellers, P.E., AAE, a senior aviation planner at Hanson’s Indianapolis office who will serve as the principal investigator for this project. “The addition of the online repository will give them access to related materials in a few clicks.”

The $350,000 study is scheduled to be completed in about 16 months.

Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.


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