Waters celebrates 15 years at Hanson


Ed Waters

July 8, 2022

Contact: Darrel Berry, Corporate Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291

Waters celebrates 15 years at Hanson

MAITLAND, Fla. — Ed Waters, resident project representative, recently celebrated 15 years of service at Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Orlando regional office.

Waters joined the company in 2007 as part of Hanson’s acquisition of MEA Group Inc. He has provided resident project inspection services, construction-phase services and program management for airports and aviation projects in Florida and across the U.S.

His project experience includes working on a multiyear study of stormwater runoff, water management system improvements and a taxiway extension at Naples Airport, providing building inspection services for the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, serving as resident project representative for two T-hangars and site work at Valkaria Airport and as superintendent for the design and installation of engineered material arresting systems at both ends of Runway 12/30 at Martin County Airport/Witham Field in Stuart. He was the assistant manager for East Coast operations for a statewide airport stormwater study in Tallahassee, which was a collaborative effort among various airport sponsors, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Florida Department of Transportation and Florida water management districts. The results of this study influenced the publication of the Florida Airports Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual in 2005 and passage of new state statutes to prevent stormwater ponds at airports.

Waters earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1984 from the Florida Institute of Technology. He is a certified general contractor in Florida, supporting Hanson’s innovative project delivery practice with his license.

Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s Orlando regional office is located at 2300 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 310, Maitland, FL 32751. The office may be reached by phone at (407) 790-7397.


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