Feb. 24, 2020
Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291
Bloome named Engineer of the Year by ISPE chapter
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Lee Bloome, P.E., the water and wastewater discipline manager at Hanson Professional Services Inc., has been named Engineer of the Year by the Capital Chapter of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE).
Bloome, who joined Hanson in 2006 and works at the Springfield headquarters, is a member of the chapter and received its Young Engineer of the Year Award in 2009. He designs water and wastewater infrastructure, such as water distribution extensions, sanitary lift stations and water booster pump stations, stormwater treatment and detention, elevated tanks and stormwater collection systems. He also is experienced in computerized hydraulic modeling for water distribution systems, evaluating water and sewer rates and helping clients identify funding sources for projects.
Bloome received a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Bradley University and is a licensed professional engineer in Illinois, Missouri and Florida. He also is a member of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois, American Water Works Association and the Illinois Municipal League.
The award is based on educational and engineering achievements, professional and technical society activities, civic and humanitarian activities and continuing professional competence. ISPE Capital Chapter award recipients were honored Feb. 22 during the ISPE and American Society of Civil Engineers Honors and Awards Banquet at the Springfield Motor Boat Club.
Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.