Oct. 11, 2019
Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291
Nolan marks 10 years of service at Hanson
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Kyle Nolan, PLS, E.I., land surveyor, recently celebrated 10 years of service at Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Springfield headquarters.
Nolan joined the company in 2009. He has provided surveying services as a field crew chief and surveyor for a variety of projects, including additions and modifications at HSHS St. John’s Hospital and the east campus expansion and athletic fields at Sacred Heart-Griffin High School, both in Springfield; the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Land Acquisition’s outdoor advertising control support services program; approaches at airports in Illinois, Indiana and Florida; and power generation facilities in Illinois.
Nolan earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 2009 from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and is a licensed professional land surveyor in Illinois.
Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.