Aug. 15, 2012
Contact: Amy Kay, Public Relations Coordinator
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9283
Hanson’s Scott Brady and Kelly Rubino recognized by Florida Airports Council

SARASOTA, Fla. — Hanson’s Scott Brady, P.E., senior aviation engineer, and Kelly Rubino, P.E., CBC, senior vice president, were recognized with a Corporate Eagle Award from the Florida Airports Council (FAC) for their contributions toward Florida’s stormwater legislation during FAC’s 43rd annual Conference and Exposition in Naples, Fla. Brady and Rubino were recognized for their above-and-beyond efforts, from assisting with language used in the legislation to providing professional guidance as well as educating members of the Florida legislature and the Governor’s Office on airport stormwater issues.
“Kelly Rubino and Scott Brady received the 2012 FAC Corporate Eagle Award for their assistance with the passage of House Bill 599 that requires the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to adopt a general permit for stormwater management systems serving airside activities at airports. Rubino and Brady provided invaluable personal advocacy with legislators and state leaders, over multiple years, to help see this provision added to state law,” says the Florida Airports Council’s Executive Director Bill Johnson.
Brady has nearly 35 years of experience in civil engineering, working on more than 100 aviation projects in 11 states. He is a distinguished lecturer, especially in the areas of airport stormwater rules as well as airside and landside water management. He has presented at Federal Aviation Administration workshops; FAC’s Environmental, Noise Abatement and Community Affairs Conference; the Stormwater Management Research Symposium; and American Society of Civil Engineers meetings. He is one of three lecturers for the Florida Department of Transportation’s Aviation Stormwater Management Program. Additionally, his work is captured on one of FAC’s seminar series titled “Stormwater Management,” a video distributed to approximately 130 public airports in Florida.
Brady is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, FAC, Airport Consultants Council, and Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Brady has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree in geotechnical engineering, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He also is a licensed commercial pilot.
Rubino has more than 40 years in the engineering industry. He has served as principal-in-charge for many high-profile projects, and he leads business development efforts to expand the company’s aviation client base throughout the Southeast. Prior to joining Hanson, Rubino was the founder and principal of a Florida-based aviation consulting firm for more than 15 years. He also previously served in airport management positions including at the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport in Pennsylvania and the Charleston International Airport in South Carolina.
Rubino is a member of the Airports Council International, AAAE, Southeast Chapter of AAAE, Airport Consultants Council, Florida Airport Council, and AeroPAC. He is a past board member of the Florida Airport Council and a past president of AeroPAC. He has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Youngstown State University and an MBA from The Citadel. He also is a certified building contractor in Florida.
Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, architecture, planning and allied services. The Sarasota regional office is located at 9015 Town Center Parkway, Suite 105, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202. The office may be reached by phone: (941) 342-6321 or fax: (941) 379-6474.