June 9, 2016
Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291
Rogers celebrates 40 years at Hanson’s headquarters
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Gary Rogers, PLS, assistant vice president and senior project manager, recently celebrated 40 years of service at Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Springfield headquarters.
Rogers specializes in highway route and right-of-way surveys, asset inventories, database management, site development, railroad coordination and operations, planning studies, construction engineering and project management.
He has served as project manager for many multidiscipline projects, including aviation, environmental, industrial, military, railroad, roadway and telecommunications. Many of these projects have involved creating databases to store and organize field survey data to assist in the preparation of maps, quality assurance and quality control documents and project plans. Rogers has been instrumental in Hanson’s use of global positioning systems and mobile asset data collection for geographic information system projects.
Rogers is project manager for the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Land Acquisition’s outdoor advertising control support services program, for which he coordinates efforts for maintaining and updating an inventory database and permitting for the state’s more than 15,000 signs along interstates and primary highways. He also is the survey manager for the Springfield Rail Improvements Program and the South Suburban Airport land acquisition, relocation assistance and property management program in Peotone.
Rogers’ career highlights include working with clients from Hanson’s seven markets: aviation, federal, government and energy, infrastructure, power and industry, railway and telecommunications. He was survey manager for the Paducah and Louisville (P&L) railroad relocation in Grand Rivers, Kentucky, the U.S. Route 67 Phase 1 location study for a 56-mile expressway from Alton to Jacksonville and a railroad relocation project in Springfield that was completed in 2004. This project included the relocation and design of several roads and bridges to consolidate more than 10 miles of rail corridor on the city’s south side. Rogers also was project manager for the Illinois Commerce Commission’s statewide grade crossing and grade separation study. During this study, Hanson collected inventory data, acquired aerial photographs, prepared drawings and created a database for more than 12,000 grade crossings and grade separations across Illinois.
Rogers received an associate degree in construction technology in 1976 from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is a licensed professional land surveyor in Illinois, Florida and Kentucky and a member of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society, Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association and National Society of Professional Surveyors.
Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.