Hanson Professional Services Inc. receives ACEC of Illinois’ Pro Bono


March 1, 2010

Contact: Amy Kay, Public Relations Coordinator
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9283

Hanson Professional Services Inc. receives ACEC of Illinois’ Pro Bono Publico Award

OAK BROOK, Ill.— Hanson Professional Services Inc. recently received the Pro Bono Publico Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC-IL) as part of the organization’s 2010 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition. This award recognizes ACEC-IL members and the Illinois Department of Transportation for advancing the engineering profession through the creation of the Illinois Livable and Sustainable Transportation (I-LAST) Rating System and Guide – a sustainable practices workbook targeting seven aspects of roadway design and introducing 150 concepts for sustainability implementation.

Hanson was one of 11 collaborating companies recognized with this Pro Bono Publico Award.  Hanson’s David McDonald, Ph.D., P.E., PTOE, senior transportation engineer, was a contributing author to this guide.

Judges for the 2010 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition were Somali Tomczak, senior manager of environmental and safety, NICOR; Tom Short, junior chief remedial response, Branch 2, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5; Paul Kovacs, P.E., chief engineer, Illinois Tollway; Susan Shea, director, Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics; Bill Gray, P.E., public works director, city of Urbana; Lisa Mattingly, administrator of professional service, Capital Development Board; and Eric Harm, P.E., deputy director, assistant chief engineer, Illinois Department of Transportation.

Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, architecture, planning and allied services. The Chicago-area office is located at 815 Commerce Drive, Suite 200, Oak Brook, IL  60523-8750.  The office may be reached by phone:  (630) 990-3800 or fax:  (630) 990-3801.


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