Hanson received a Public Works Project of the Year Award in the transportation category for projects that cost $5 million but less than $25 million for the renovation of the Front Street corridor in Pekin, Illinois. The award, from the American Public Works Association’s Illinois Chapter, was given May 3 during the chapter’s annual awards banquet in Peoria, Illinois.
May 9, 2023
Contact: Darrel Berry, Corporate Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291
Hanson wins two APWA Illinois Chapter awards
The American Public Works Association’s (APWA) Illinois Chapter recognized Hanson Professional Services Inc. with two awards during the chapter’s annual awards banquet May 3 in Peoria, Illinois.
Hanson received a Public Works Project of the Year Award in the transportation category for projects that cost $5 million but less than $25 million for the renovation of the Front Street corridor in Pekin, Illinois. The narrow, two-lane Front Street is a key transportation corridor used by more than 800 trucks daily in a busy industrial and agricultural business area. The crumbling road often had congested truck traffic and was prone to flooding because of its proximity to the Illinois River. To address these issues, Hanson conducted a traffic engineering study and provided Phase 1 engineering and final design services. The project replaced the concrete pavement, added turn and staging lanes for trucks, incorporated new curbs, gutters and entrances to businesses, coordinated the installation of a combined sewer overflow pipe and upgraded a railroad crossing to accommodate the pipe and improve flood protection.

Hanson received a second Public Works Project of the Year Award in the structures category for projects that cost $5 million but less than $25 million for the Stratton-Bolger Lock and Dam lock capacity and water-level improvements project in McHenry, Illinois.
Hanson also received a Public Works Project of the Year Award in the structures category for projects that cost $5 million but less than $25 million for the Stratton-Bolger Lock and Dam lock capacity and water-level improvements in McHenry, Illinois. The lock and dam facilities operated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources were aging, deteriorating and unable to meet the demands of traffic from larger boats and water-level requirements. The Hanson team designed improvements to the lock, including doubling its length and capacity, and a new water-level control structure that uses torque-tube crest gates, replacing the outdated gate structure. Innovative designs include a supplemental filling port with a diffuser to raise the water level and keep the level calm during filling, which is safer for boats, and a bypass pipe in the gate structure that guarantees 94 cubic feet of water per second can pass the dam, meeting IDNR’s requirement.
The American Public Works Association (www.apwa.net) is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 30,000 members involved in the field of public works. APWA supports those who operate, improve and maintain public works and infrastructure through advocacy, education and member engagement.
Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.