Aug. 22, 2022
Contact: Erin Calcari, Vice President, Business Development Decision Optimization Technology–United States (DOT-US) (217) 747-9345
Nueces County water utility to deploy DOT™
The Nueces County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3 is implementing the DOT™ (Decision Optimization Technology) software’s watermain module to evaluate and plan maintenance and capital improvement projects. District No. 3 serves 4,400 users in the Texas county.
DOT™ intuitively manages the complexity of building strategic asset management plans. Its analytical processes apply deep engineering research and 10 years of doctorate-level research and development focused on using optimization algorithms to create multiyear, multi-constraint analyses. DOT™ can simultaneously incorporate fluctuating annual budgets, shifting strategic priorities, socio-economic expectations, risk and safety considerations, cross-departmental initiatives and political objectives to help its users build plans that are defensible and fully implementable.
“DOT™ will help District No. 3 track watermain breaks, prioritize repairs and consider environmental impacts as they continue to provide reliable water service to their community,” said Kurt Bialobreski, an assistant vice president and the chief innovation officer at Hanson Professional Services Inc. and the managing partner of Decision Optimization Technology–United States (DOT-US). Hanson is a member of DOT-US, a partnership with Infrastructure Solutions Inc. to offer decision support software and consulting engineering services.
DOT-US is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.