Building Readiness for Infectious Aerosols

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our industry’s thinking about how heating, ventilation  and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems should function to make indoor air safer for the public.

Hanson has the expertise to help you upgrade your HVAC systems so you can reopen your facilities during this and future pandemics. We have applied our extensive experience in optimizing building systems through commissioning, retro-commissioning and design to education, healthcare, industry, aviation, laboratory and government facilities. Since the pandemic began, we have assisted several clients with evaluating their systems’ ventilation, filtration and performance capabilities and preparing future mitigation plans. Let us show you how to build confidence in your facility’s readiness.

Building reopening services we provide:

  • building readiness plans
  • systems evaluation
  • outside air controls
  • filtration improvement options
  • sensor and device calibration
  • improved sequence of operations for systems
  • deferred maintenance evaluation
  • work order development for improvements
  • future-proofing options
  • HVAC operational plans

Explore the following links to learn more about our knowledge of and involvement in pandemic building readiness:

Learn more about ASHRAE’s building readiness guidance.

Facing the HVAC triple threat: COVID-19, flu and cold weather

With the temperatures falling, flu season starting and SARS-CoV-2 continuing to infect tens of thousands of Americans each day, facility owners and managers need methods to reduce virus transmission indoors. In this video, Hanson's Wade Conlan discusses how to prepare for the increased occupancy, viruses and indoor air in buildings during the fall and winter.

Wade Conlan, P.E.,

Commissioning and energy
discipline manager and 
assistant vice president
(407) 622-2050, Ext. 5503 

Bill Bradford, P.E.

Energy, sustainability
and resiliency principal
(407) 622-2050, ext. 5516