Miller celebrates 10 years at Hanson’s headquarters


photo of jerry miller

Nov. 10, 2017

Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager 
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291

Miller celebrates 10 years at Hanson’s headquarters

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Jerry Miller, records coordinator, recently celebrated 10 years of service at Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Springfield headquarters.

Miller, who joined the firm in 2007, handles records in offsite storage. He fulfills employees’ requests for files and brings files from other offices to Springfield, where they are entered into a database and placed into storage.

Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, planning and allied services. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703. The office may be reached by phone at (217) 788-2450.


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