GIS boosts data functionality for geotechnical, groundwater jobs

Whether information for a project is gathered in the field or from previously conducted studies, the input is incredibly valued by our clients and is the backbone of our business, especially when it comes to the geotechnical and groundwater aspects of our services. But what good is data if it is not used to its full potential?

As we tread the everchanging waters of legal regulations while striving to produce quality results for our clients, it is crucial that Hanson evolves with the challenges that arise. A geographic information system (GIS) is a tool that can enhance Hanson’s services, giving us the latest, most dynamic technology to move your project in the right direction.

With its immense capabilities to capture, analyze and relate data, geographic information systems have been an enormous help to companies like Hanson, and the majority of our projects require all those processes to meet the needs of the public. GIS gives Hanson the ability to customize the data representation to improve communication with the client, offering enhanced data visualization that can result in better decision-making. High-quality data representation can also be beneficial to project costs, time efficiency and data management. This is especially beneficial for our geotechnical and groundwater study projects, which require that 3D subsurface information from a variety of sources be collected and analyzed, with the results presented in a manner suitable for review by our clients, other scientists and engineers, public officials and others involved with project approval.

A project-specific geographic information system opens an array of possibilities for our clients. Hanson is taking full advantage of GIS technology, and we constantly incorporate its use throughout our various disciplines, resulting in increased benefits to our clients.

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