Convergence of Cx and Energy

For the first time, the AABC Commissioning Group’s (ACG) annual conference is being co-sponsored by a subsidiary organization of ACG: the Energy Management Association (EMA).

The Cx Energy 2014 Conference and Exposition to be held April 21–24 in Las Vegas. Building commissioning and energy management will share center stage in the discussion of high-performance buildings and their systems, with sessions from multiple tracks depending upon their interests. Attendees will learn more about best practices in providing building commissioning, retro-commissioning and energy management services and how building owners, facility managers, commissioning authorities, energy engineers and TAB professionals can work together for optimum building performance and energy efficiency.

The EMA will hold an organizational meeting at the conference April 22 as it moves to operate as a separate organization with its own identity, goals and objectives. This conference will be considered the official launch of the EMA, and the association will continue to promote a commissioning-based approach to energy management and the use of an independent, third-party commissioning provider as best practice.

The worlds of commissioning and energy management are evolving
quickly, with:

  • tightened energy code requirements at the federal, state and local levels,
  • municipal ordinances mandating energy benchmarking and reporting for buildings,
  • codification of commissioning requirements through sustainability and energy codes and through ASHRAE Standard 202-2013 and
  • the U.S. Department of Energy/National Institute of Building Sciences program to develop “Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines” addressing workforce training and certification programs for key energy-related jobs, including energy auditor, commissioning professional and energy manager.

Please consider joining other industry professionals for learning and networking opportunities at this important event.

For more information on Cx Energy 2014, please visit

Posted on April 11, 2014